Monday, January 21, 2008

My Favorite Part of Writing Is...

My favorite part of writing is the creativity. I love creating characters and worlds of my own. I'm always coming up with ideas that get jotted down on a dry erase board I keep hung over my desk. (On the same dry erase board I have a birthday card a friend of mine sent me last year... two women talking to each other clearly in their 70s... and it says... "My pool boy thinks I'm hot." "You ARE hot. That poolboy is correct.")

But then when I think about it more... My favorite thing might be the friends I've made... people from all over the US and other countries. If it wasn't for writing I would have never became friends with Mari. Or Wendi, Pam, Pat, Andrei, Aline, Julian, Izzy, Leigh, CJ, JL ...

But I also love the book signings and conferences too. I'm not big on flying, but tell me it's to get to to a conference and I am there...LOL And I love meeting readers and other writers. It's almost like belonging to a club when readers and writers come together.

I think that trying to pin point just one thing that I like is too hard. It's a combination of so many things, too many to list here. But the one thing I can tell you is writing is definitely one of the best things in my life.

Now... back to time traveling vampires for me... A writers work is never done... but always fun... LOL



Blogger Mari said...

Ooohhhhh I love that picture of us. It was, what?, two years in the making?

Definitely, the friends you make are the best!


January 21, 2008 at 7:14 PM  

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